Thank You!
Thank everyone for making Openhouse the best selling (by far) real estate theme (as well as car dealership theme) on themeforest!Support for Automotiv and OpenHouse
For support, we recommend going to our Support Forum.
Note: Forum is a bit sparse as the original one had problems and I had to start it over from scratch. You can still search the old forum, but you cannot make new posts there.
Why are these themes bundled?
The original theme was Openhouse, which is a huge success. We got many requests and questions on converting it to a car dealership theme. So many in fact that we went ahead and did it! It was totally built back up with vehicle sales in mind, and it was a big task. Because Automotiv’s design is so similar to Openhouse, themeforest didn’t let us sell it as a separate theme, and we were forced to bundle it together.
Check out the ALL NEW “OpenDoor” Theme
This page details the OpenHouse and Automotiv theme bundle. But I invite you to ALSO check out OpenDoor, an all-in-one theme that has all the same great features of OpenHouse and Automotiv, plus a lot more. The first consideration when making OpenDoor was to make it “responsive”, so it will display perfectly on all sized devices (from phones to large monitors). If responsiveness is a requirement, then please check out OpenDoor.
Differences between OpenDoor and Openhouse/Automotiv
Pretty much all of the best features of Openhouse/Automotiv have been ported over to OpenDoor. But there are some notable differences. The following are features OpenDoor has that OpenHouse/Automotiv doesn’t.- OpenDoor is Responsive. (view on a mobile device to see it change layout)
- Has more layout and appearance options. (independent control over header, footer, background colors/images), change header height, etc.
- Has more homepage widget areas, and option for latest blog posts
- Allows you to easily add your own image-less banner types in Theme Options. Even define a color tip for each banner type.
- Has option to choose between row or grid layout for search results, browse by results, and latest listings. (the one setting applies to all 3 places)
- Has more search parameters. And each search parameter can be included or excluded in Theme Options.
- ‘Browse by’ feature is now grouped along with the search, instead of in the menu bar
- Secondary small header menu bar at top right of header
- More advanced homepage slideshow. Slideshow expands to full width of site.
- Both real estate mode (standard and dsIDXpress version) and car dealer mode, are built into this single theme. No more separate versions for me to maintain.
- Better translation support. Now no more .po and .mo requirement. Do all your language translations in Theme Options, in the same section you would customize text in a single language. See documentation to explain how this is done. (documentation is in demo secondary menu bar)
- Documentation is now a public Google Docs document, where you can post comments if you find something is inclear or missing. To post comments, you must be logged into your Google account. But you don’t need a Google account to view the documentation.
About Openhouse Real Estate Theme (template)
Note: This theme comes bundled with a alternate version that uses the dsIDXpress plugin. See demo site.
Openhouse (currently the highest rated and best selling Wordpress Real Estate theme (realestate) is a very powerful and flexible Real Estate theme. It includes a very powerful and flexible Search, where you can search by location, number of baths, beds, max price, min price, and property type. The Location search alone is unique in that you can have multiple levels of locations. Check out the demo for an example. The theme has features not seen in any other theme, like search results “Google Map”, “Compare”, “Google Street View”, and more. This theme also includes a fully featured Loan calculator which can be shown or hidden in Theme Options. It even has a link to generate a complete amortization table which you can print out. The color scheme choice is unlimited. Simply supply a color, and the whole site changes, including all gradients and effects.
Other than property listing-type posts, this theme supports any other type of posts. You can have both a regular Blog, AND a news Blog. Each one can have unlimited subcategories.
Your blog and page content can visually be taken to the next level using our custom Shortcode tags. For example, easily add multi-column text, toggle boxes, drop caps, button links, and more quickly and easily.
The theme comes bundled with an alternate version that works directly with the dsIDXpress plugin. So now your site can pull in unlimited listings automatically. However, items in the slideshow must be posted manually.
Notable Features (OpenHouse Real Estate Theme):
- NEW! Optional Autotrader.com and/or Cars.com support. Have your listings automatically get posted to Autotrader.com and/or Cars.com. This is not a “feature” of the theme, but rather I have partnered with a third party developer who can set this up for you for a fee. Please email mattwsutherland@gmail.com for details.
- NEW! Compare listings. Check the boxes next to each search result and compare them all side by side. Maximum of 5. (Not in dsIDXpress version)
- NEW! Search results Google Map. Shows pins for the current pages results right on map. Click map to see infowindow with details and click to see full detail page. (Option to disable this feature)
- NEW! Google Map option in slideshow area. In the homepage slideshow area, you now have the option to show all your listings on a Google Map. (This is an alternative to showing latest listings or plain images)
- NEW! 3 homepage layouts.
- Intro text on left half. Right half is column of recent listings, and another column with loan calculator and widgets.
- Intro text on left half. Right half is 2 columns of recent listings. Widgets can go under this.
- No intro text section. This is 4 columns of recent listings only. No widgets.
- NEW! Dual agent support Listings can now have 2 agents attached to it instead of only one.
- NEW! Call To Action section. Under slideshow on homepage are optional Call to Action buttons. Customizable in Theme Options.
- NEW! Design tweaks. Header area, and slideshow area on homepage increase in height
- NEW! Light and Dark header styles. Choose from a light (white) header, to a darker header. Or replace this with your own image.
- NEW! Search position. Search area on homepage can be set to be on left of slideshow, or the right side.
- NEW! Menu bar alignment. Left align or right align
- NEW! Header changes. Theme Options settings to set the header background image.
- NEW! Menu bar re-design. Menu bar is now all done with HTML and CSS, so it’s easy to style
- Related listings section on detail page (listings with same Property Type)
- Theme Options screen: Color pickers, upload buttons, etc. View video
- Detailed columns for listings view in WP dashboard. View Video (same as above)
- Alternate Fully Localized & Translation Ready version. .po file included. Recommended plugin is qTranslate because you only need to post 1 property listing per language. wpml.org plugin on the other hand requires a listing for each language! Note: Loan Calculator is NOT translatable.
- “Open House” date and time, displayed on slider as a banner, and mentioned on detail page. Self manages itself… does not display once Open House date expires.
- Google Maps support for each listing. (Uses newest version 3 API)
- Optional Agent support. Add your agents with the Agent “Post Type”. Include all Agent info and any amount of text. Attach an Agent (or 2) to a Listing. Agent “page” lists all Agents, and when clicked you go to the Agent’s dedicated page where full info is shown, and all listings for that Agent is displayed. Each Agent has their own custom contact form that is shown in the Listing detail pages.
- Optional buy/rent search option.
- Option to have plain photos in slideshow, with no property information.
- Bundles with alternate dsIDXpress plugin version. See demo site.
- WP 3.0 support for Custom Post Types. Instead of entering a “Post” for a listing, you enter a new “Property Listing”. Very intuitive. View Video (same as above).
- WP 3.0 support for new Menu system.
- Print stylesheet, and print icon in Detail page
- Optionally “Browse By” Location, price range, or property type, in the menu. Customize this in Theme Options.
- Order the Browse pages by price, date, or random
- Unlimited color schemes. Just choose any color and you’re done! Gradients change also. Try the interactive demo. It works like magic!
- Powerful Property Listing Search (no plugin needed). Search by location, beds, baths, min/max price, and property type.
- Option to have a second level of location search. See demo for an example. Select a State from the list and see a secondary location appear under it. With a little easy coding, you can extend it to unlimited levels of locations.
- Optional Login form for people to post their own listings (Agents, home sellers, etc.)
- 27 individual slideshow transitions
- Image preloaders for slick page loading
- Optional secondary logo in top right (for example, the broker’s logo)
- Agent photo and caption on homepage
- Nice jquery tooltips on hovering over social media icons.
- Video support (opens in lightbox when thumbnail is clicked)
- Google Street View for each listing (optional)
- “Reduced” and “Sold” banners. PSD files included so you can make your own. Forum has instructions to code in custom banner types.
- Contact form on each listing page. Optionally have form sent to specific Agent. (if Agent is specified for a listing)
- Loan Calculator (can be removed in Theme Options)
- Amortization Table in the Loan Calculator results.
- Social media icons on homepage (different than ones in Listing and blog pages)
- Link to “All Properties” in menu
- Cufon font styling
- CSS3 Progressive Enhancement
- Jquery enhanced interface (Slideshows, dropdown menu, etc.)
- Special typographic effects (see the sample posts and pages in the demo)
- Multi-column text (2, 3, 4 columns in any config)
- Toggle boxes (expand/contract)
- Drop Caps
- Text highlighting
- Link buttons (adapt to color skin)
- Back to Top links (with animated scrolling to top)
- Divider Lines
- 10 Widget Enabled areas (6 if you don’t include the optional widgetized footer)
- 6 Custom ‘Page Templates’
- Hide or show just about any element in the site
- Customize the wording of any header or element.
- PSD files included
- Extensive HTML documentation (live and always up to date). Read the docs now by clicking the Documentation menu in the demo.
- Video screencasts in documentation for the tricky parts.
- Can be adapted to be used for non-real estate sites. (PHP, HTML, and CSS knowledge necessary. Customizations can be done for a fee.)
- Support Forum to get your questions answered quickly.
Change Log
Update #12 (September 7, 2012) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)Update #11 (September 23, 2011) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)
Update #10 (April 18, 2011) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)
Update #9 (February 1, 2011) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)
Update #8 (December 16, 2010) Added new features (Changelog)
Update #7 (Novemer 3, 2010) Added new features (Changelog)
Update #6 (September 17, 2010) Added new features (Changelog)
Update #5 (August 11, 2010) Added new features (Changelog)
Update #4 (July 22, 2010) Added new features (Changelog)
Update #3 (June 23, 2010) Mainly support for WP 3.0 best features (Changelog)
Update #2 (May 26, 2010) (Changelog)
Update #1 (May 24, 2010) (Changelog)
About Automotiv (Car Dealership Theme)
Automotiv is brought to you because of significant demand for converting Openhouse into a Car Dealer theme. Many of you spent weeks converting Openhouse into a Car Dealership theme. Now the work is already done for you with Automotiv. (you’re welcome)
Automotiv is a very powerful and flexible Car Dealership theme. It includes an Inventory Search, where you can search by Maufacturer, Model, engine size, transmission type, min/max price, body type, mileage, or model year. This car dealer theme also includes a Loan calculator which can be shown or hidden in Theme Options. The color scheme choice is unlimited. Simply supply a color, and the whole site changes, including all gradients and effects.
Other than Automobile Listing posts, this car dealer theme supports any other type of posts. You can have both a regular Blog, AND a news Blog. Each one can have unlimited subcategories.
Your blog and page content can visually be taken to the next level using our custom Shortcode tags. For example, easily add multi-column text, toggle boxes, drop caps, button links, and more quickly and easily.
Notable Features (Automotiv Car Dealership Theme):
- NEW! VIN detail output (optional) Output data on detail page from a VIN number (Vehicle Identification Number). See a listing detail page for an example. Note: An account at VINquery.com is required. VIN numbers are for passenger cars and light trucks manufacturered for North American markets 1981 to present.
- NEW! Multilingual support (internationalization).
- NEW! Compare listings. Check the boxes next to each search result and compare them all side by side. Maximum of 5.
- NEW! 3 homepage layouts.
- Intro text on left half. Right half is column of recent listings, and another column with loan calculator and widgets.
- Intro text on left half. Right half is 2 columns of recent listings. Widgets can go under this.
- No intro text section. This is 4 columns of recent listings only. No widgets.
- NEW! Call To Action section. Under slideshow on homepage are optional Call to Action buttons. Customizable in Theme Options.
- NEW! Design tweaks. Header area, and slideshow area on homepage increase in height
- NEW! Light and Dark header styles. Choose from a light (white) header, to a darker header. Or replace this with your own image.
- NEW! Search position. Search area on homepage can be set to be on left of slideshow, or the right side.
- NEW! Menu bar alignment. Left align or right align
- NEW! Header changes. Theme Options settings to set the header background image.
- NEW! Menu bar re-design. Menu bar is now all done with HTML and CSS, so it’s easy to style
- Updated Theme Options screen. Color pickers, upload buttons, etc. View video (it’s from Openhouse, but it’s similar in Automotiv)
- Detailed columns for listings view in WP dashboard. View Video (same as above. It’s from Openhouse, but it’s similar in Automotiv)
- Powerful Vehicle Search (no plugin needed). Search by Manufacturer, Engine Size, Transmission, min/max price, body type, mileage, and model year.
- Customize the last three search dropdown lists. Choose from Engine Size, Transmission, body type, mileage, or model year.
- Sales Rep “Custom Post Type” and Page template. See demo for an example.
- Supports Videos (opens in lightbox)
- Unlimited color schemes. Just enter a color value and entire site changes, including all gradients.
- WP 3.0 support for Custom Post Types. Instead of entering a “Post” for a Automobile Listing, you enter a new “Automobile Listing”. Very intuitive.
- Built-in Loan Calculator
- “Browse By” feature in menu. Browse by manufacturer, price, model year, etc. Set options in Theme Options.
- WP 3.0 support for new Menu system.
- Optionally browse vehicles by manufacturer, price range, Engine Size, Transmission, Body Type, mileage, or model year.
- Business Hours shown in footer
- Option to have a second level of manufacturer search. For example, choose Ford, and below shows up another dropdown showing Ford Models. See demo for an example.
- Optional Login form
- Print stylesheet, and print icon in Detail page
- 27 individual slideshow transitions
- Nice jquery tooltips on hovering over social media icons.
- Special banner over images: “Reduced”, “Sold”, “Automatic”, “Manual”, “Diesel”, “Reserved”. PSD files included so you can make your own.
- Image preloaders for smooth page loading
- Contact form on each listing page
- Social media icons on homepage (different than ones in Listing and blog pages)
- No Custom Fields (They are used silently in the background, but you don’t need to work with them)
- TimThumb.php script support (upload 1 image and theme repurposes it at various smaller sizes throughout site.)
- Comprehensive Theme Options page. Practically everything is customizable
- Link to “All Vehicles” in menu
- Cufon font styling
- CSS3 Progressive Enhancement
- Jquery enhanced interface
- Special typographic effects (see the sample posts and pages in the demo)
- Multi-column text (2, 3, 4 columns in any config)
- Toggle boxes (expand/contract)
- Drop Caps
- Text highlighting
- Link buttons (adapt to color skin)
- Back to Top links (with animated scrolling to top)
- Divider Lines
- 8 Widget Enabled areas
- 6 Custom ‘Page Templates’
- Hide or show just about any element in the site
- Customize the wording of any header or element.
- PSD files included
- Extensive HTML documentation (live and always up to date). Read the docs now by clicking the Documentation menu in the demo.
- Video screencasts mixed into the text documentation.
Change Log
Update #6 (version 2.3?September 7, 2012) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)Update #6 (version 1.46?April 18, 2011) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)
Update #5 (version 1.44?February 1, 2011) Added new features and improvements (Changelog)
Update #4 (version 1.4?December 16, 2010) Added new features and bug fixes (Changelog)
Update #3 (version 1.3?Novemer 3, 2010) Added new features (Changelog)

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