Folio is a simple and minimalist One-Page Template, perfect for Designers, Photographers, Models or similar.
It comes with a Post Section (Blog or News), a unique portfolio section, an ajax contact form (with field validation), fullscreen google maps and of course a showcase slider.
- Content Images by infuse ? The Images are from our own repository, as well as the design “shots” (portfolio).
- Darkwood Pattern by webtreats ? used for background image
- Font Awesome ? Icon font used for all Icons, even the social icons in the sidebar.
- The Fonts used in this template are provided by Google Webfonts
- Lato ? by Lukasz Dziedzic
- Dancing Script ? by Pablo Impallari
- jQuery ? the jquery core library
- cssua ? cssua to detect browsers
- carouFredsel ? carouFredSel for the Post Carousel
- isotope ? isotope for the portfolio grid
- flexslider ? flexslider for the image slider
- fancybox ? for image viewing
- pagescroller ? used for the page navigation
- mousewheel ? the mousewheel plugin is used for fancybox
- touchwipe ? touchwipe plugin for attaching touch events to various elements (eg. carouFredSel)
- easing ? easing plugin, used for various other plugins
- jquerypicture ? responsible for image delivery in the right size
- jquery.notice ? growl like notifications by Tim Benniks. Heavily modified by infuse. Used for Responses on the contact form and the ajax loading.
- Timthumb ? used for server-side resizing of images
- PHPMailer Class ? used to send E-Mails
- Bootstrap ? The awesome Bootstrap Framework, used for the responsive grid, icons, tooltips and general basic styling.
Further Credits
Additional Notes
* Images in the Preview are not included in the ZIP you get after your purchase.
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