New Update, v1.3.1
The newest update is v1.3.1, a minor update that contains plugin version boosts, several bug fixes, better examples and wizard plugin rewrite. Changelog can be found at the bottom of the page.MoonCake is a responsive, full featured admin template build exclusively for sale at themeforest. This template is build on Bootstrap framework using HTML5 and CSS3. Its main focus is simplicity while providing the most commonly used elements and widgets on web apps across devices and browsers.
Since v1.1, this template has two build in design styles integrated; Simple and Creative. The simple style targets users that desire simplicity, friendly and plain interfaces where only functionality is the main concern, while the creative style targets users that desire a sophisticated, graphical user interface with skeuomorphic elements.
If you got any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me via email or the comments section and I will get back at you as fast as possible. Support is available mainly on Mon-Fri, but you can always expect my replies everyday 24/7
Feature Highlights
Full Feature Overview
- Powered by Bootstrap Framework
- Responsive layout
- Two layout modes: Boxed and Full
- Two design styles: Simple and Creative
- Fully optimized for Retina displays
- Affix support for navigation
- W3C valid HTML5 and CSS3
- 55 background patterns included
- 1000+ font and sprite ions
- CSS3 animated login page
- CSS3 animated error page
- Zocial social buttons on login page
- Custom plugins with full data-api support
- Circular stat plugin (retina ready since v1.3)
- Wizard plugin
- Contact list plugin
- FileInput styling plugin
- PickList plugin
- Advanced analytics widgets which exhausts jQuery Flot plugin like never seen before
- FREE CodeCanyon MsgBox plugin
- Integration of the brand new jQuery-UI 1.9 components
- Extended jQuery-UI Slider and Progressbar
- Very flexible and customizable widget boxes
- Focus mainly on performance and readability when writing code
- Closure Compiler compressed scripts
- PunyPNG compressed images (required images are only 18,917 bytes)
- Message and notification dropdowns on header
- 17 AJAX loaders included
- Five types of statistical elements
- Summary
- Summary Circled
- Summary Boxed
- Circular Stat
- Sparkline
- Advanced examples of jQuery Flot
- Live Charts that can be switched off
- Line Charts with range selection
- Filled line charts with date range selection
- Line and bar charts that can be shown/hidden
- Code View with Google Prettify
- Static tables
- Tables with Action Column
- Checkable Tables
- Contextual Tables
- Three kinds of responsive tables
- DataTables with plugin examples
- Detail View Tables
- Charts Gallery
- Form Layouts
- Simple Form
- Horizontal Form
- Vertical Form
- Fieldset
- Grid Form
- Form Elements
- Default input fields
- Autogrowing Textarea
- Appended and prepended form inputs
- Select2 select inputs
- Styled checkbox and radio buttons
- Star rating
- iOS Style checkbox and radio switches
- Spinner
- Typeahead
- Autocomplete
- Number only input fields
- Picklist
- Input mask
- Form fields cloning functionality
- Responsive Form Wizard
- Form Validation Examples
- CLEditor WYSIWYG editor
- Default Bootstrap Elements
- Progressbar
- Custom progressbar sizes (mini, small, large)
- Modals
- Tabs and Pills
- Tab Widgets
- Collapse
- Popover
- Tooltip
- Pagination and Pager
- Other Elements
- jQuery-UI Datepicker Examples
- jQuery-UI Timepicker addon
- jQuery-UI Dialog
- Extended jQuery-UI Sliders (tooltip and ticks support)
- jQuery-UI Powered progressbar (styled with Bootstrap)
- MiniColors colorpicker
- Farbtastic colorpicker
- Alerts and Notifications
- CodeCanyon MsgBox Plugin
- Pines Notify
- Default Bootstrap Alerts
- Widget Boxes Customization Examples
- Button Examples
- File Uploader (Bootstrap integrated version of PLupload)
- File Manager (elFinder 2.0)
- Responsive Profile Page
- Responsive Mail Page
- Printable Invoice Page
- Many Custom Widgets
- Shopping Cart Widget
- News Widget
- Task List Widget
- Summary List Widget
- Goal Widget
- User Widget
- Sortable List Widget
- Tweets Widget
- ChatBox Widget
- Google Maps Widget
- Responsive Image Gallery with Masonry Layout + prettyPhoto
- Contact List
JavaScript Libraries
- Bootstrap
http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap - jQuery
http://www.jquery.com - jQuery-UI
JavaScript Plugins
- AutoSize
http://www.jacklmoore.com/autosize - CLEditor
http://premiumsoftware.net/cleditor/ - DataTables
http://datatables.net/ - elFinder
http://elfinder.org/ - Farbtastic Color Picker
https://github.com/mattfarina/farbtastic - Flot
http://flotcharts.org/ - FreeTile
http://yconst.com/web/freetile/ - FullCalendar
http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/ - iButton
http://www.givainc.com/labs/ibutton_jquery_plugin.htm - Google Maps
http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui-map/ - MiniColors
http://www.abeautifulsite.net/blog/2011/02/jquery-minicolors-a-color-selector-for-input-controls/ - CodeCanyon MsgBox
http://codecanyon.net/item/jquery-msgbox/92626 - Pines Notify
http://pinesframework.org/pnotify/ - prettyPhoto
http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyphoto-jquery-lightbox-clone/ - Google Prettify
https://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/ - jQuery Star Rating
http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating/ - Select2
http://ivaynberg.github.com/select2/ - SheepIt Forms
http://mdelrosso.com/sheepit/ - jQuery Sparklines
http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/ - Tweet!
http://tweet.seaofclouds.com/ - Uniform
http://uniformjs.com/ - jQuery Validate Plugin
http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ - Zebra DatePicker
http://stefangabos.ro/jquery/zebra-datepicker/ - Zocial CSS3 Vector Social Buttons
- IcoMoon Web Font Icons
http://icomoon.io - Led Icon Set
http://led24.de/iconset/ - IconSweets
Photos and Images
- http://photodune.net/item/people/356057
- http://photodune.net/item/people/396312
- http://photodune.net/item/people/1124785
- http://photodune.net/item/people/370694
- http://photodune.net/item/happy-people/1836847
- http://photodune.net/item/mad-about-golf/2193155
- http://photodune.net/item/beautiful-asian-woman/2044122
- http://photodune.net/item/sheep/2938598
- http://photodune.net/item/pink-ribbon/881150
- http://photodune.net/item/pearls/2770797
- http://photodune.net/item/closeup-of-two-headed-royal-python/593623
- http://photodune.net/item/red-panda/510184
- http://photodune.net/item/bird-on-a-tree3/2437998
- http://photodune.net/item/computers/1775805
- http://themeforest.s3.amazonaws.com/asset_library/FDassets_nature.zip
Other Images
- Background Patterns
http://subtlepatterns.com/ - Ribbon Graphics
http://www.premiumpixels.com - Apple Cinema Display on Landing Page
- Version 1.3.1 – 07/12/2012
- Updated to jQuery-UI 1.9.2
- Updated to jQuery 1.8.3
- Updated to autosize 1.15.2
- Updated to DataTables 1.9.4
- Added link to creative/simple on general menu
- Added fixed columns DataTables example
- Added temporary work around from Bootstrap 2.2.2 for not working dropdown on touch devices
- Added fixed sidebar page example
- Fixed an Affix layout bug on Simple mode
- Rewrite Wizard plugin
- Fixed sidebar is now turned off by default
- DataTables sort arrow reverted back to image
- The social media icons on login screen is now commented out. Remove the comment from HTML if you need to use it.
- Version 1.3 – 14/11/2012
- Added the ability to set minimized as the initial state of the sidebar
- Added Affix support fot the sidebar
- Added Zebra Datepicker plugin
- Added Zocial CSS3 buttons plugin
- Added validation and error message on login screen
- Added retina support to circular stat plugin
- Added retina support to all elements
- Added print stylesheet for the documentation
- Template options can now be passed from <body> HTML5 data- attribute
- Fixed a bug where very fast clicking on the simple login form would cause the form to misbehave
- Fixed z-index issues for some elements
- Improved the login stylesheet and script
- Replaced jQuery-UI datepicker arrows with white font-face vector arrows
- Replaced datatables sort arrows with font-face vector arrows
- Replaced very small background image sprites with base64 CSS embedded images
- Version 1.2.1 – 10/31/2012
- Updated to jQuery-UI 1.9.1
- Updated to Bootstrap 2.2.0
- Added ‘show’ function to show specific form on login screen programatically
- Removed dotted outline for inputs on IE
- Fixed a login screen bug for browsers that don’t support CSS3 transitions
- Fixed some missing links in the documentation
- Fixed sidebar navigation script bug
- Fixed other minor bugs
- Version 1.2 – 10/25/2012
- Added dropdown list items on header (messages, notifications)
- Added autoSize textarea plugin
- Added 17 AJAX Loaders
- Added sheepy forms plugin
- Added form cloning page
- Added prettyPhoto on Gallery
- Added invoice page
- Added view mail modal
- Updated to jQuery-UI 1.9
- Updated jQuery-UI extension script to utilize jQuery-UI 1.9 new widget features
- Updated elFinder 2.x to last build
- Updated all page titles
- Updated spinner demo script
- Changed .help-block margin-top to 6px
- Improved jQuery-UI progressbar demo to focus on API usage
- Improved jQuery-UI extended script
- Fixed wizard bug
- Fixed all pages to valid HTML5
- Fixed style changer z-index
- Fixed jQuery-UI extended slider CSS
- Fixed animated Login page tabindex issue
- Deleted assets/css/plugins/minicolors.css
- Version 1.1 – 10/10/2012
- Added two design styles: Simple and Creative
- Added a landing page for choosing design style
- Formatted all CSS files with http://cssbeautify.com/
- Modified the customizer placement and size
- Added two new table examples
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Version 1.0.1 – 10/06/2012
- Added a preloader to show the loading progress of the background patterns on the customizer
- Fixed a critical bug where pages with iButton plugin included does not work on iOS
- Added the ability for the iButton plugin to re-calculate its dimensions by calling repaint
- Fixed a bug where the text on checked items on the to do list widget is not striked through
- Fixed the Calendar demo page, included the missing gcal.js script for Google Calendar
- Replace the checkbox wrapper on to do list widget with labels instead of span
- Compressed all background pattern images
- Corrected all spelling mistakes on the documentation
- Version 1.0 – 10/03/2012
- Initial Release

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