Themeforest Review
WordPress Corporate Done Deal

Done Deal – Flexible Business Theme
Obox’s Done Deal theme is a flexible WordPress business theme with extensive features including custom page templates and a professional design.
Done Deal has a unique home page layout including a pricing section as well as a showcase for your products and packages.
Combine that with our OCMX backend, custom post types and general ease of use and what you are left with is something quite impressive. Like ice-cream and chocolate sauce, it just seems to work.
Done Deal is definitely not a lightweight theme. We have made sure to offer you plenty of neat features, which allow for versatility and a sense of flexibility when setting up your site. Those features include:
- Info Boxes – Give a short description of what your company offers with the Info Box custom post types. Upload and icon, add a title and a description and you are good to go.
- Pricing Blocks – Setup a pricing table showcasing what you offer by using our Pricing Block custom post type and taxonomies.
- Customer Quotes – Showoff your companies ‘awesome’ by displaying some happy client quotes.
- Product Listings – List all your products along with pricing and descriptions as well as an external link (perfect for linking to a PayPal purchase URL).
Along with all of that, we have also packaged the theme with page templates including a Blog, Product Listing module as well as our standard templates that all our themes come with (Contact form, Archives and Full Width).
This is our first theme launch of 2011 and also only the second Obox Business WordPress Theme designed by someone outside of Obox and I think you will agree that they have done an incredible job.

OCMX comes packaged in this theme for free!
Need help with your theme setup?
If you need help with your Obox WordPress theme setup, create and log in to your profile at Obox and you’ll see a ‘Upgrades and Services’ item in the sidebar. Click that to show an option to get a member of the Obox team to setup your theme for you.
Documentation & Support
Please note that access to theme documentation and support forums is restricted to verified buyers only. Support times are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (GMT +2). In order to gain full access docs and support please be sure to login to our site.
To login to Obox all you need to do is the following:
- Visit Obox Design
- Click Login (top right of the page)
- Click on the ‘themeforest User’ tab
- Type in your themeforest username and purchase code
Note: We offer Support via our forums only, any other means of communication such as emails and tweets will be directed to the forum. Thanks peeps.
31 January 2013
Some other enhancements
- Blog widget now matches blog layout
- Popular posts widget updated to support categories
- Twitter widget supports retweets and replies
- Theme Options added for hiding meta and social sharing
- Custom CSS added to Theme Options for storing customizations in database – please move any styles in custom.css into this field
- Image handling now uses WP Thumbnail functions. You may continue to upload images using “Set Featured Image”
General Updates
- Removed author/date meta from pricing and quotes pages
- Added missing styles to color styles – hover color and button should now match on red and brown styles
- Info Box icon size will resize in widget and set your featured thumbnail automatically
- Improved support for localization
- Updated depreciated functions
- Improved support for oEmbed
Obox Themes is 100% GPL