My Mobile Page V2 is the second version of “My mobile page” template. We have decide to create an improved version of this template with a fluid layout that will automatically adjust to the screen size. The new fluid layout is built using CSS3 amazing features and some nice jQuery effects.
Mobile Preview
Updates 01 (30-Jan-12)
- Added a contact.php page with a working contact form
- Fixed the “bug” of “jumping” pages content when sliding on iphone down the page
Instructions on how to add a mobile detection code and redirect from you desktop website to the mobile version
2 easy steps:- Go and download THIS mobile detection code and copy the file to your “desktop website” root folder.
- Open you “desktop theme” main file (this must be a php file, if not you must create it .php) and right at the top include this code:
<?php include("Mobile_Detect.php"); $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile()) header('Location: http://yourmobilewebsiteurl.com'); ?>
Make sure you write your mobile website url corectly here: “http://yourmobilewebsiteurl.com”
Instructions on how to use the contact.php file
Just open the php file, and right at the top code lines you will see email located. Just replace that email with yours. Now just make sure to link your contact icon from home menu to contact.php instead of contact.html file. Also to remember that we have included a javascript file to help validate the inputs. The file is located in “js” folder.
Main Features
- Fluid layout that will automatically adjust to the screen size
- Featured icons navigation on home page
- 8 Html/CSS pages will all kind of structure elements
- SEO Friendly html code
- Optimized CSS code
- Photo gallery page using jQuery thumbs navigation
- Blog design page
- Toggle menu for categories and archives
- Contact Page with contact form
- Layered Psd Files
- HELP files included

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