The combination between the 11 unique newsletter templates, an easy to use automated layout creator that allows the creation of new newsletter templates instantly, modular layouts that simplify extending/ adapting newsletter templates and robust, properly tested and commented source code makes Versatile Newsletter 3 one of the most complete newsletter packages you can buy at themeforest.
Here is a quick peak at the Automated Layout Creator in action. Click the image below to open the video.
Read the “The Layout Creator System / Modular Layouts” part of the item description for all the details.
- 11 unique newsletter layouts
- supports all major email clients: Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, Thunderbird, Outlook 2003 – 2007 – 2010, Apple Mail etc
- 2 versions for each layout: one with embeded css and one with inlined css.
- 2 predifined color schemes, the color schemes can easily be changed , the documentation has a whole section dedicated to customizing the color scheme
- modular layouts – easy to add and remove content
- layout creator system – build a newsletter layout complete with placeholder images and dummy text in minutes, WITHOUT writing source code for the most part by using the Automated Layout Creator.
- extensive documentation
- png and psd source files
The Layouts
The layouts have been designed and choosen so as to maximize the number of newsletter styles and types covers. So weather you need a generic 2 column newsletter or something that you can use to present a product / online service / eshop catalog etc, you will find something to use between the 11 newsletter templates included. And if nothing fits your needs you can always create a new newsletter layout in minutes with The Layout Creator System.
The Layout Creator System / Modular Layouts
The layout creation system was designed with a clear goal in mind: allow people to focus on the most important part of the newsletter – the content – by providing a way to easily create any kind of layout, that works in all major email clients, in minutes…
Modular layouts
The concept behind a modular layout is very simple: you start the layout off by choosing a base file ( an .html file that contains embeded css and an table that will hold the actual newsletter content) and then you stack in it modules ( precoded table elements that have 1 row and an variable number of columns) until you get the desired column format for the layout. You add module dividers ( usually images that are blank or have a horizontal divider in them or br elements ) to create spacing or separate different parts of the newsletter content and then you proceed to add the actual content inside the modules.
The Layout Creator System
Now, what the Layout Creator System does is provide you with the code for all the available base files, modules, module dividers and content stylings and offers instructions how to use them togheter to create new layouts.
The layout creator system has two components: an Manual version and an Automated version the difference between them being that with the Manual one you have to copy paste the code at each step and asamble it yourself while the Automated version hides this behind a nice visual interface and it generates the source code after you finished visually designing the new layout.
While the Automated version seems superior to the Manual version, the manual version is excelent to use when you just want to extend an layout by adding new modules and dividers for example. you can open it quickly, preview the modules you are interested in and copy paste their code in the layout.
Click the image below to watch a short video demonstration of the Automated Layout Creator in action:
or click below to watch an overview on how to create, extend and change layouts with Versatile 3:
- January 2011 – Initial release
To be informed when updates are released I suggest you follow me on twitter @bitpub and/or follow me on themeforest.
Download package content
- 11 coded newsletter layouts with embeded css
- 11 coded newsletter layouts with inline css
- layout creation system:
- 3 step Automated Layout Creator
- 5 step Manual Layout Creator
- 1 completly empty base file, 1 file with all available modules
- 24 base files
- folder with 29 different sized placeholder images
- 2 .png and 2 .psd source files
- 14 individual layer .pad and .png sources
- extensive documentation
Documentation / Support
The item documentation is extensive and the source code is properly commented and formatted, so you shouldn’t have any problem working with this item.
If you need support, please send me an email using the contact form on my user page. Please include the theme name, website URL and detailed information about your problem.I usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in queue. Support request sent during weekends/holidays will be processed on Monday/the next business day.

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