This is a conversion template from Asthana Realty PSD Template into Joomla! 1.5 template.
The PSD version can be bought separately in here.
A simple and clean template and suitable for company profile for any purposes such as realty or property company, university or school or may be just a personal branding blog website.
- Template (Rumi Framework latest version and Skin)
- Quick Start; is a package file that included all the files needed to install Joomla!1.5 latest stable version with template, components, modules and plugins, also the SQL sample data as content just like the demo showcase.
- This template has been successfully tested in Joomla! 1.5 CMS latest version 1.5.15
- Based on Rumi Framework 1.0 (more info about Rumi Framework please visit http://rumi.vandenito.com)
- Use 1kbgrid (http://www.1kbgrid.com) as Grid Framework with 12 columns, 60 pixels each and 20 pixel gutter
- 2 columns layout
- Support 10 module positions
- 50 base module positions in the Rumi Framework core and can be easily extended to add more
- Table-less HTML overrides
- Browser compatibilities: Firefox, IE7 , IE8, Opera, Safari, Chrome
- More features info based on Rumi Framework can be found at http://rumi.vandenito.com/features-and-to-dos

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