A highly flexible and heavily optioned premium theme, to be used for almost anything business, portfolio, blog, magazine & more!
What people are saying
“Just launched my second site using this theme ? http://guarinodental.com/. Thanks for the always fast response to my questions and I look forward to using this again and again as it is perfect for the needs of my lower budgeted projects…” ? Rob
“Just want to point out that this is a great theme and Chris is a dynamite guy. I have had several questions that he has always responded in a timely (if not immediate) fashion and resolved them to my satisfaction. Great work Chris and looking forward to buying it a hundred more times!” ? Rob Torres
“Thanks so much for resolving my blog.php layout issue. Your customer service far exceeds my expectations time after time! I’ve only had 3-4 issues with all the themes I’ve ever gotten from you, but on every issue it’s promptly handled or explained. Thanks so much for your high standards!” ? Jeremiah Beaudry
“A joy to work with. Super-customizable and well-written code!” ? Atle Richter Schie
“Thank you very much for your support!! 5 stars!! :)” ? Oncu Tolak
“I love the theme.” ? pharmdmd
8 Different Skins:
- Home – w/jQuery featured slider, w/ 20+ different effects, ability to turn the post title & excerpts on/off and more! Easily configurable from the admin options panel.
- Single Post – with author info and related posts blocks, can be turned on/off from the admin options panel.
- Archive & Search
- Gallery – full width template w/jQuery Lightbox for images
- Static Page – with full width template option
- Contact Page – working form w/validation and Ajax submit
- 404 Error Page
- Free Child Theme “Industrious” – preview
- 8 Pre-made Skins
- Create a Skin! – easy to make custom skins directly through the Admin Panel, endless possibilities!
- Video Ready – easily add video into your posts, by just copy/pasting the embed code from your favorite video service (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) into the Video field on the Write panel – no plugins required! – Preview Video Post
- Multi-level Dropdown Menu
- Two Widget Ready Areas – Sidebar & Footer
- Twitter widget
- 125×125 Ads Widget
- Flickr Widget
- Gravatar Ready
- PrettyPhoto – slick lightbox style for viewing images
- Dynamic Image Resizing – Never worry about having to resize your images, upload large images via the Wordpress admin and the theme takes care of the rest generating thumbnails, medium and large size images on the fly with caching. Uses TimThumb (requires GD library).
- Easy Edit Links – when logged in as admin for posts and comments, see screenshots for examples.
- Admin Comment Highlighting
- All Layout PSD ’s
- Detailed Documentation with 7 Screencasts for quick and easy setup
- Compatible with all major browsers
- And as always theme updates are free for life!
If you see any errors or would like to see a new feature added, send me an email via my profile page
Font used is League Gothic from The League of Movable Type.
Images used are from flickr creative commons authors: papalars, mobilestreetlife, muha…, der_makabere, Tambako, country_boy_shane, James Jordan & Mukumbura.
6/22/2010 – Added support for WordPress 3.0 Custom Menus
3/25/2010 – Added a new function to redirect to the options panel on theme activation.
3/4/2010 – Added a free child theme “Industrious” – moves the navigation from the very top to below the logo area preview
3/3/2010 – Made some small optimization tweaks to functions.php and the admin options panel.
2/26/2010 – Added Post Title & Excerpts to the featured slider, along with the ability to turn them on/off and customize the color of the title & excerpt background.
Thanks for purchasing one of my premium themes! I pride myself on supporting my customers ? if you’re experiencing trouble getting setup, I’ll do my best to answer your questions as soon as possible. Support covers getting setup, trouble using any features and bug fixes. I unfortunately can’t provide support for modifications or 3rd party plugins.
Theme support is only offered to verified customers, through http://support.contempographicdesign.com ? any other method will be redirected back there. Please search the knowledge base before submitting a ticket.
I actively update my themes with new features and additions, if you have any suggestions please leave a comment or shoot me a message via my profile.

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