Megalodon starts boldly, works like hell, and finishes hard. It’s about a direct call to action whether you are selling a web service, a unique product, or building a strong initial presell for that amazing affiliate deal.
This design is meant to lead the user with conviction. The main image can easily be changed and the design adapts to it’s new niche looking sweet as hell in one shot.
It’s all about that first initial impression and with Megalodon you can be confident you will have users digging deeper into what you have to offer.
What is a Megalodon? It’s a giant shark, a super predator, that lived 25 million years ago in prehistoric times. It was a monster! The only thing bigger then Megalodon is Mega Shark which is big enough to take a 747 out of the sky. Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBizgLZX7W0
Megalodon PSD comes with 5 well designed pages including a full pricing table. The pricing table is nicely organized in well structured layers to allow full creative freedom to suite most needs. This alone can be worth the file!
Also, the buttons and icons are fully layered and made from scratch with some pretty cool design techniques. The advanced button and icon methods I’ve used will come standard from now on in all my PSD ’s.
Any other design techniques you see in the file can be fully analyzed in the PSD .
Fonts Used:
- Delicious - http://www.josbuivenga.demon.nl/delicious.html
- Arial, Georgia - standard fonts
Stock Images Used In Screenshots:
- army captain deploying in combat zone - http://www.istockphoto.com/file_closeup.php?id=10314704
- money bags - http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-photo-2765246-money-bags.php
- girl exercise accomplish - http://www.photoxpress.com/Content/girl-exercise-accomplish/5848564
Icons Used:
- Flavor Extended - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/20/flavour-extended-the-ultimate-icon-set-for-web-designers/

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